
A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith
Coda: My Swan Song

Coda: My Swan Song

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here.Writing my autobiography has been a long journey–it started in 2012 and completed in 2019. It was also a very...

Epilogue (Autobiography, Ch. 29)

Epilogue (Autobiography, Ch. 29)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. So much injustice, so much pain—yet what a wonderful life I’ve had! Some people have asked me,...

Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher (Autobiography, Ch. 26)

Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher (Autobiography, Ch. 26)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here.When I was just a few years old, I already wanted very much to be like Confucius. I still do not fully...

The Untold Story of the INPM (Autobiography, Ch. 24)

The Untold Story of the INPM (Autobiography, Ch. 24)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. “Don’t try to get in where you are excluded; go to where you are wanted. If nobody wants you,...

Why I Love Taiwan: My Academic Home (Autobiography, Ch. 22)

Why I Love Taiwan: My Academic Home (Autobiography, Ch. 22)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. This was my fourth and longest lecture tour in Taiwan. I ask myself: Why am I so attracted to...

My Last Words for the Church (Autobiography, Ch. 20)

My Last Words for the Church (Autobiography, Ch. 20)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here.Most likely, I have attended and served more churches than any of my readers because I have resided in many...

The Many Faces of Poverty (Autobiography, Ch. 16)

The Many Faces of Poverty (Autobiography, Ch. 16)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. The Many Faces of Poverty One does not really understand poverty unless one has lived through it; it is a...

Pui Ching and Life’s Tough Lessons (Autobiography, Ch. 15)

Pui Ching and Life’s Tough Lessons (Autobiography, Ch. 15)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. Pui Ching & Life’s Tough Lessons After graduation from St. Stephen’s as the top student in my class, I...

A Year of Awakenings (Autobiography, Ch. 14)

A Year of Awakenings (Autobiography, Ch. 14)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. A good education is transformative. I am so grateful that Father arranged for us siblings to spend one year...

Hong Kong: A Haven for Chinese Refugees (Autobiography, Ch. 13)

Hong Kong: A Haven for Chinese Refugees (Autobiography, Ch. 13)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here.My childhood was in China, but I became an adult in Hong Kong. Perhaps the ordeal of escaping from China as a...

Farewell, China (Autobiography, Ch. 12)

Farewell, China (Autobiography, Ch. 12)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. We are on a cruise ship celebrating my 80th birthday. The smell and the view of the ocean floods...

The Story to Live By (Autobiography, Ch. 11)

The Story to Live By (Autobiography, Ch. 11)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here.On a scale of one to 10, I will rate my life seven on happiness but 10 on meaningfulness. My life story is...

Looking Backwards and Looking Forwards (Autobiography, Ch. 10)

Looking Backwards and Looking Forwards (Autobiography, Ch. 10)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. I cannot believe that I first started working on my autobiography way back in 2008 at the urging of Mr....

My Father: The Unsinkable C. Y. Wong (Autobiography, Ch. 4)

My Father: The Unsinkable C. Y. Wong (Autobiography, Ch. 4)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. I dare say that very few people have lived as fully, passionately, and productively as my...

My Country, My People, My Identity (Autobiography, Ch. 2 )

My Country, My People, My Identity (Autobiography, Ch. 2 )

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here.In order to make sense of who I am and what drives me, I need to return to my roots—to go back to the time...

Is There Life after 80? (Autobiography, Ch. 1)

Is There Life after 80? (Autobiography, Ch. 1)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. The final time I visited my father in Hong Kong, he was in his 80s. He said to me, with downcast...


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