Positive Psychology
Dr. Paul WongMeaning in Life and Well-Being (Overview) (Tzu Chi University & Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan)
There are numerous theories and hypotheses about how to live a happy and meaningful life. My own meaning hypothesis posits that a good life consists of meaning, virtue, and happiness, with meaning playing the key role (Wong, 2012, 2015). After...
Lessons of Life Intelligence through Life Education (Overview) (Tzu Chi University, Taiwan)
Life is hard in every stage of development. Just as we need IQ to do well in school, we need life intelligence (LQ) to do well in life. Winning the world but losing one’s soul is not real success because a self-centered, unethical life could be very lonely and...
The Courage to Live Well and Die Well (2017 Life Education International Academic Conference, Taiwan)
Abstract This paper proposes that the best way to lead a good life is to pursue a life of meaning, virtue, and happiness through self-transcendence. This meaning hypothesis was developed from the perspective of second wave positive psychology (PP 2.0), which sees...
Reflections on My Psychology Career: Where I Came From, and Where I Am Going (Autobiography, Ch. 21)
Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. “I suffer, therefore, I rejoice.” This paradoxical statement sums up my entire academic career in...
The Positive Psychology of Shame and the Theory of PP 2.0
The Value of Shame: Exploring a Health Resource in Cultural Contexts By Elisabeth Vanderheiden and Claude-Hélène Mayer Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017. 302 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-53099-4. $119.00 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong The Value of Shame: Exploring a Health...
Critique of Positive Psychology and Positive Interventions
Authors Co-authored with Sandip Roy, M.D., Chief Medical Director, RKHC Charitable Hospital and Founder, Happiness India Project, Delhi, India.Abstract This chapter critiques positive psychology (PP) and PP interventions (PPIs) at three levels. First, it identifies...
International Psychology and I: A Reflection
My birth and historical and cultural background as a Chinese combined with my higher education and academic career as a Canadian have destined me to be an international psychologist. Since my days as a graduate student, all that is within me has recoiled from...
Courage, Faith, Meaning, and Mature Happiness in Dangerous Times
President's Report for the Positive Living Newsletter (May 2017). Read the rest of the newsletter here.“The wound is the place where light enters you.” — Rumi The current tense political climate at home and abroad has the same feeling as the dreadful...
Proposed Guidelines for Collaborative Research
Why do we need collaborative research? It is needed because of the complex and holistic nature of any human phenomenon. In order to advance the common good, we need to learn from each other and work together towards a better understanding of human...
Good Work: The Meaning-Centered Approach (MCA)
Introduction This chapter focuses on the notion of good work from a meaning-centered approach (MCA). MCA views good work at three levels: the individual, the organization, and society. At the individual level, good work means that employees are empowered through...
Acceptance, Transcendence, and Yin-Yang Dialectics: The Three Basic Tenets of Second Wave Positive Psychology
President's Column for the Positive Living Newsletter (November 2016) Read the rest of the newsletter here. Since the INPM is home of second wave positive psychology (PP 2.0), this month I will continue to examine this topic so that our readers can have a...
Positive Psychology in North America
Authors Co-authored with Roger Tweed, Ph.D., Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC, Canada.Abstract Positive psychology in America can be traced back to humanistic psychology, founded by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, with its emphasis on self-actualization and...