*This abstract was co-authored with Don Laird (Carlow University).

In the precent precarious time, psychology needs a paradigm shift to meet the existential crises we all face (Wong et al., 2022). Our paper redefines agency as an illustration of this new paradigm, which can make psychology more relevant and more effective for positive transformation in individuals and society.

Agency can be more broadly conceptualized to include ethical, instrumental, social, and ecological responsibility to make life better not just for oneself but for society and planet earth. Thus, all human beings need to have a sense of agency to develop one’s full potential, to speak up, and act as a responsible steward accountable not only to oneself and society but also to a Higher Authority (Arslan & Wong, 2022).

This broader, interdisciplinary, and intercultural conception of agency challenges the current dominant view of agency which is based on the perspective of individualism, materialism and neoliberalism by emphasizing the following themes: (1) Social justice, collective coping, social interests, and community building (Wong, 2023a) because we are all interconnected social agents; (2) self-efficacy cannot be the sole basis for hope for many people who feel hopeless and helpless because of sickness, disabilities, and circumstances; we need a new hope theory that is based on faith in God’s help and trust in collective community efforts (Wong, 2023b) and tragic optimism or hopeless hope (Wong, 2007). This broader new existential positive psychology paradigm (Wong, in press-a) is much needed for the suffering masses especially those in developing countries and the marginalized class in developed countries (Wong, in press-b).

This new paradigm has many practical implications including the following: Clinical interventions beyond the medical model (Wong & Laird, 2023); a new existential model of wellbeing and behavioral economics (Wong et al., 2023); equipping people for the reality of suffering (Arslan & Wong, 2023; Wong & Wong, in press); developing agape love for our neighbours in different cultures (Wong, 2023c; Wong & Mayer, 2023); cultivating the spiritual values of faith, hope, and love (Wong 2023d; Wong & Laird, in press); and self-transcendence as a less travelled road towards flourishing (Wong et al., 2021).


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Wong, P. T. P., & Laird, D. (under review). Agency, hope, and wellbeing [Abstract].