Positive Psychology

Dr. Paul Wong
Positive Psychology Goes to Hell and Back

Positive Psychology Goes to Hell and Back

My friends in Taiwan call me a laughing Buddha. Most of my friends comment on my happy smile. An English as a second language (ESL) school even used my photo as an example of happy smile. Does anyone know that I live with pain day and night? Literally, I experience...

Transcend the Pandemic: How to Redesign the Future of Work

Transcend the Pandemic: How to Redesign the Future of Work

Abstract The coronavirus has drastically changed the world of work and demands a redesign for organizations and individuals in order to meet the numerous new challenges, such as working remotely and a reduction of resources. In this paper, I propose a...

COVID-19 Boosts International Collaboration

COVID-19 Boosts International Collaboration

One good thing coming out from COVID-19 is the increase in research collaboration on how to cope with COVID-19. In the last 6 months, I’ve got more international collaboration than in the last 6 years because of increased interest in my existential positive psychology...

The Unheard Cry of a Successful Asian Psychologist

The Unheard Cry of a Successful Asian Psychologist

Abstract This paper addresses the important issues of making it as an Asian psychologist in an overwhelmingly white academic field. Based on my professional and personal struggle to achieve success as a psychologist in both academia and clinical practice, I want to...

How to Find Inner Peace & Life Balance in Times of Crisis

How to Find Inner Peace & Life Balance in Times of Crisis

This is the conclusion chapter for Dr. Paul Wong's e-book Made for Resilience and Happiness: Effective coping with COVID-19 according to Viktor E. Frankl and Paul T. P. Wong (2020). The whole world has turned upside down. The life we used to know has largely...


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