Dr. Paul WongChinese Indigenous Psychology and PP 2.0 (Overview) (Taiwan Society of Adlerian Psychology, Taiwan)
A comprehensive and workable model of global well-being needs to have the following elements: It integrates the best ideas from East and West, ancient and modern days. It integrates the biological, social, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of personhood. It...
Meaning-Centered Positive Education (Overview) (Fo Guang University & National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan)
As educators, we are faced with the challenging question of how to prepare young people for an uncertain future of accelerated change, intensified global competition, and turbulent political waves. In this context, we realize that we need a whole person...
Meaning and Flourishing in Suffering (Overview) (Fo Guang University, Taiwan)
This presentation provides a new perspective on flourishing based on the second wave of positive psychology (PP 2.0) (Wong, 2011). It first emphasizes the importance of the contextual principle of well-being. More specifically, this principle posits that,...
Meaning in Life and Well-Being (Overview) (Tzu Chi University & Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan)
There are numerous theories and hypotheses about how to live a happy and meaningful life. My own meaning hypothesis posits that a good life consists of meaning, virtue, and happiness, with meaning playing the key role (Wong, 2012, 2015). After...
Lessons of Life Intelligence through Life Education (Overview) (Tzu Chi University, Taiwan)
Life is hard in every stage of development. Just as we need IQ to do well in school, we need life intelligence (LQ) to do well in life. Winning the world but losing one’s soul is not real success because a self-centered, unethical life could be very lonely and...
Adler versus Frankl: Similarities and Differences (Taiwan Society of Adlerian Psychology, Taiwan)
Alfred Adler (1870-1937) Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) A Historical Overview After leaving Freud’s Society of Psychoanalysis as a young, 18-year-old medical student, Frankl joined Adler’s Society for Individual Psychology from 1923 to 1927. During these four years, he was...
The Courage to Live Well and Die Well (2017 Life Education International Academic Conference, Taiwan)
Abstract This paper proposes that the best way to lead a good life is to pursue a life of meaning, virtue, and happiness through self-transcendence. This meaning hypothesis was developed from the perspective of second wave positive psychology (PP 2.0), which sees...
Summer Institute 2017
Dr. Paul Wong will be leading a two-day intensive workshop on integrative meaning therapy at the INPM's Summer Institute 2017: "How to Harness the Power of Meaning" on July 22-23, 2017 in Toronto. The workshop will also be available via an online interactive...
International Conference on Health and Wellbeing (Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan)
To delegates of the International Conference on Health and Wellbeing, I feel honored to be invited by Dr. Amina Obaid Khawaja to keynote at the International Conference on Health and Wellbeing. I want to congratulate the organizers and the Lahore College for Women...
Meaning-Centered Counseling and Therapy Course Syllabus (Saybrook University, US)
PSY3070 | Saybrook University The Meaning-Centered Counselling and Therapy course (PSY3070) was taught online at Saybrook University in Spring 2017 as part of their Clinical PhD Program.Overview This course provides an introduction to logotherapy and meaning...
Self-Transcendence: A Paradoxical Way to Become Your Best
Introduction I propose that the way to become your best self is, paradoxically, to become more selfless. I want to make the case that, in a world of cut-throat competition, the best strategy to survive and prosper for individuals and societies is to give our best in...
Meaning-Centered Approach to Research and Therapy, Second Wave Positive Psychology, and the Future of Humanistic Psychology
Abstract This paper describes six research principles for revitalizing humanistic psychology and impacting mainstream psychology based on Gergen (2016) and DeRobertis (2016). It demonstrates how Wong’s meaning-centered research and therapy is an extension of...