Abstract This chapter makes the case that a brave new world of artificial intelligence (AI), climate change, and global nuclear warfare calls for a paradigm shift towards existential positive psychology (EPP or PP2.0) with existential universals and indigenous...
Abstract This paper proposes a paradigm shift as a better alternative to solving the present global mental health crisis. This new model moves beyond the medical model and reframes mental health in terms of how to live well or how to enjoy a high level of existential...
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inadequacies of the current healthcare system and needs a paradigm change, which is holistic, and community based illustrated by the healing wheel. The present paper proposes that existential positive psychology (PP 2.0)...
Abstract The prolonged disruption of life caused by the pandemic and mandatory lockdowns has severely tested the human capacity to adapt. While some people have responded well with resilience, many others have succumbed to various mental illnesses, such as suicide,...
*This is an unrevised version of the paper. (This paper was co-authored with Gökmen Arslan, Victoria L. Bowers, Edward J. Peacock, Itai Ivtzan, and Tim Lomas. The paper is partially supported by a 3-year Templeton Grant; Wong (the lead author) was part of a working...