7 Reasons Why the New Normal May Be Good for You

7 Reasons Why the New Normal May Be Good for You

COVID-19 is a wakeup call. It will return in some form if we do not learn the lessons from it and make the necessary changes. COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and shaken the very foundation of our civilization. But it has also provided a rare opportunity for...
How a Healthy Dosage of Self-Transcendence can Overcome COVID-19

How a Healthy Dosage of Self-Transcendence can Overcome COVID-19

Abstract This article was initially published as the President’s Column for the July 2020 edition of the Positive Living Nesletter.  Never before have so many people experienced such a high level of stress and anxiety. Frontline health workers and service...
The Positive Psychology of Persistence and Flexibility

The Positive Psychology of Persistence and Flexibility

What are the most valuable life strategies essential for survival and resilience? What are the most common traits shared by successful athletes and CEOs? More importantly, what are the virtues most important in living the good life? My answer to all the above...