Abstract The coronavirus has drastically changed the world of work and demands a redesign for organizations and individuals in order to meet the numerous new challenges, such as working remotely and a reduction of resources. In this paper, I propose a...
Abstract This paper explains the need for existential positive psychology (PP 2.0) from three different angles. First, psychology needs to move towards integration in order to meet the mental health challenges during COVID-19. Second, PP 2.0 provides a promising...
*This list is far from being exhaustive. Here, I only included those publications that have played an important role in my development of existential positive psychology and my own publications on this subject matter. I welcome suggestions of additional publications...
“Viktor Frankl, one of the most influential and enduring writers and psychotherapists of the 20th century, continues to speak to new generations. His voice is prophetic, because it heralds the current positive psychology movement, the resurgence of spirituality, and...
This editorial was submitted by Paul T. P. Wong (Trent University), Claude-Hélène Mayer (University of Johannesburg), and Gökmen Arslan (Mehmet Akif Ersoy University) for the Frontiers special issue on COVID-19 and Existential Positive Psychology (PP 2.0): The New...