Dr. Paul Wong conducted a lecture tour in Taiwan in October 2013. The following are links to the presentations. Feel free to download, but contact Dr. Wong for permission to present or quote any part of these presentations.

Asia University

2-Day Workshop | October 3-4 | Asia University, Taichung From Research Proposal to Journal Publication Workshop [Syllabus]

Nan Hua University

Lecture | October 7 | Department of Life and Death Studies, Nan Hua University, Chia-yi Introduction to Meaning Therapy [PPT]

National Kaohsiung Normal University

Lecture | October 8 | Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung Terror Management vs. Meaning Management [PPT] Lecture | October 8 | Graduate Institute of Counseling Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung What Constitutes Positive Education?

Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation

1-Day Workshop | October 12 | Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation, Taipei Acceptance and Well-Being: A Meaning Management Perspective [PPT]

Fo Guang University

Lecture | October 14 | Psychology Department, Fo Guang University, Yilan A Meaning-Centered Approach to Positive Education [PPT] Lecture | October 16 | Psychology Department, Fo Guang University, Yilan Meaning, Well-being, and Resilience [PPT]

National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science

Conference Keynote | October 19 | National Taipei University of Nursing & Health Science, Taipei Meaning-Seeking, Self-Transcendence, and Well-Being [PPT]

Asia Univeristy

Nan Hua University

National Kaohsiung Normal University

Lotus Hospice Care Foundation

Fo Guang University

National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science