I came with a loud cry,
I’ve struggled to achieve my dreams,
Broken and bruised, but still striving.
When my time comes to join all my loved ones,
I’ll be ready to die with contentment and a smile.

That is the human life—so fragile and brief,
Let’s think of how to make the best of our time on earth before it’s too late.
Whatever choices you may face,
There is always another way.
Nature’s way is always the best—
be like water flowing through obstacles,
be like a cloud flying over the mountains.

There are always monsters in whatever disguise,
They will wave a sword and a bundle of cash,
“You must serve me or you die,” they loudly declare.

But there is always another way, a better way—
The way of love, truth, goodness will prevail,
If all freedom lovers stand up together against evil.

I have run the race and fought the good fight,
I would be happy to fade away quietly,
And become a nameless star shining in the dark,
Cheering for every brave soul in the cosmic battle.