Introducing Gordon Medlock, New INPM Board Member
It’s a pleasure and an honor to be elected to the new INPM Board of Directors. I’ve been asked to share a bit about my role on the Board and relevant experiences related to the work of INPM. As some of you know, I have been engaged in supporting Paul Wong’s meaning summit project to develop more integrative perspectives, approaches, and agendas for meaning-oriented research and practice. Following the 2014 congress in Vancouver, jointly sponsored by INPM and the Constructivist Psychology Network, I submitted an article summarizing the contributions of all the panel participants and agreed, with the support of Paul and Bob Neimeyer, to be a guest editor of a special meaning edition of the Journal of Constructivist Psychology (JCP) devoted to the work of the panel participants. I am delighted to report that we have 12 excellent articles addressing the meaning summit agenda, providing insights into the opportunities and challenges that face our field of meaning-oriented research and practice. I look forward to the edition coming out in 2016, as a bridge between the outcomes of the 2014 meaning conference and the proposed new vision of integrative research and practice for the 2016 conference. Stay tuned for more about the 2016 conference in subsequent newsletters.
On a personal and professional level, the experience of editing this special edition of the JCP deepened my interest in supporting the research and practice agendas in our field. I was asked by Paul to assume the responsibilities as editor of the journal associated with INPM, which I am pleased to do. I look forward to working with Paul and others to establish a publisher affiliation for a journal that truly represents the diversity of meaning-oriented research and practice in our field. In the meantime, I will be supporting efforts to ensure our 2016 conference provides the opportunity for continuing dialogue regarding creative, integrative research and practice.
In addition to my INPM activities, I also find time to pursue a coaching practice and teaching responsibilities with the Wright Graduate University, integrating existential, humanistic, Adlerian, and developmental perspectives on personal learning and growth. I also have the pleasure of supporting my wife in her burgeoning career as a novelist, storyteller, and conference organizer. We have both seen the overlap between storytelling and the psychology of personal meaning, and look forward to bringing some spice to the 2016 conference with the addition of some talented and entertaining storytellers to punctuate the proceedings.
Looking forward to a stimulating and growthful year for INPM!
Best Regards,