The night is here, the end is near
My body aches and cries for rest
Still I toil with sweat and tears
Till I breathe my very last breath.
The field is ripe for harvest,
But where have the workers gone?
It has been a long hard day,
I did it His way.
A long, long time ago
On a dark and rainy night
On an isle far, far away
I cast my lot with the Most High.
He wiped away all my tears
And put a new song in my soul.
I picked up the cross and followed Him.
I did it His way.
O what a long and rocky road!
I never know what the future holds
But I’ve followed all His commands
To vanquish the foes and the strongholds
And march towards the Promised Land.
I’ve fought the good fight of faith.
There’s no retreat and no turning back,
I did it His way.
At times, I was tempted to run away—
The burden was more than I could bear
And all my plans and pains were in vain
And I felt abandoned by God and men.
But when I beheld the Man on the Cross
The Christ who suffered and died for me
I bowed my head and fell on my knees.
I did it His way.
Before I say my last goodbye
I want to thank my God and friends
For a wonderful life so full of grace.
Whenever I cried from the bottom of a pit
He lifted me up and set me free
And He placed me on higher ground.
I’ve lived well with few regrets,
I did it His way.