
Dr. Paul Wong
Self-transcendence: The Key to Meaning and Wellbeing

Self-transcendence: The Key to Meaning and Wellbeing

Cite Wong, P. T. P. (2021, April 10). Self-transcendence: The key to meaning and wellbeing during Covid-19 [Keynote]. Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong International Webinar Series on Students’...

Session 2: The Meaning of Suffering

Session 2: The Meaning of Suffering

What is suffering? Why do terrible things happen to good people? How can we make sense of suffering? What can we do about it? In this session, we will introduce a new approach that can help people transcend and transform suffering during the pandemic. Abstract What is...

Integrative Meaning Therapy (IMT)

Integrative Meaning Therapy (IMT)

Abstract The prolonged disruption of life caused by the pandemic and mandatory lockdowns has severely tested the human capacity to adapt. While some people have responded well with resilience, many others have succumbed to various mental illnesses, such as suicide,...

Integrative Meaning Therapy workshop

Integrative Meaning Therapy workshop

This is Paul T. P. Wong's preconference workshop abstract for the upcoming 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference.The prolonged disruption of life caused by the pandemic and mandatory lockdowns has severely tested the human capacity to adapt. While some people...

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