
Books & Films
From Multicultural Competency to International Psychology

From Multicultural Competency to International Psychology

Case Incidents in Counseling for International Transitions By Nancy Arthur and Paul Pedersen (Eds.) Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association, 2008. 334 pp. ISBN 978-1-55620-269-8 $59.95 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong My immediate reaction after reading through...

Narrative Practice and Meaning-Centered Positive Psychotherapy

Narrative Practice and Meaning-Centered Positive Psychotherapy

Maps of Narrative Practice By Michael White New York, NY: Norton, 2007. 304 pp. ISBN 978-0-393-70516-4 $25.95 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong Michael White has become synonymous with narrative therapy in the same way Kleenex became synonymous with facial tissue. His...

Perils and Promises in the Pursuit of Happiness

Perils and Promises in the Pursuit of Happiness

In Search of Happiness: Understanding an Endangered State of Mind by John F. Schumaker Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007. 287 pp. ISBN 978-0-2759-9456-3 $29.95 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong Life without happiness is like living on a parched land without rain. But what does it...

Civil Virtues, Social Capital, and Positive Community

Civil Virtues, Social Capital, and Positive Community

Citizens, Cops, and Power: Recognizing the Limits of Community by Steve Herbert Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2006. 168 pp. ISBN 0-226-32730-2 (hardcover) $40.00 ISBN 0-226-32731-0 (paperback) $16.00 Review by Paul T. P. Wong It is only fair to both...


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