Meaning Therapy
Dr. Paul WongMeaning-Centered Positive Education (PE 2.0) Based on the New Paradigm of Existential Positive Psychology (EPP)
Abstract This chapter makes the case that a brave new world of artificial intelligence (AI), climate change, and global nuclear warfare calls for a paradigm shift towards existential positive psychology (EPP or PP2.0) with existential universals and indigenous...
Spiritual-Existential Wellbeing (SEW): The Faith-Hope-Love Model of Mental Health & Total Wellbeing
Abstract This paper proposes a paradigm shift as a better alternative to solving the present global mental health crisis. This new model moves beyond the medical model and reframes mental health in terms of how to live well or how to enjoy a high level of existential...
Existential Suffering in Palliative Care: An Existential Positive Psychology Perspective
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inadequacies of the current healthcare system and needs a paradigm change, which is holistic, and community based illustrated by the healing wheel. The present paper proposes that existential positive psychology (PP 2.0)...
Integrative Meaning Therapy (IMT)
Abstract The prolonged disruption of life caused by the pandemic and mandatory lockdowns has severely tested the human capacity to adapt. While some people have responded well with resilience, many others have succumbed to various mental illnesses, such as suicide,...
Self-Transcendence as a Buffer Against COVID-19 Suffering: The Development and Validation of the Self-Transcendence Measure-B
*This is an unrevised version of the paper. (This paper was co-authored with Gökmen Arslan, Victoria L. Bowers, Edward J. Peacock, Itai Ivtzan, and Tim Lomas. The paper is partially supported by a 3-year Templeton Grant; Wong (the lead author) was part of a working...
Preface for Frankl’s Psychobiography: Frankl’s Cure for a Soulless Psychology and a Sick Society
“Viktor Frankl, one of the most influential and enduring writers and psychotherapists of the 20th century, continues to speak to new generations. His voice is prophetic, because it heralds the current positive psychology movement, the resurgence of spirituality, and...
COVID-19 Boosts International Collaboration
One good thing coming out from COVID-19 is the increase in research collaboration on how to cope with COVID-19. In the last 6 months, I’ve got more international collaboration than in the last 6 years because of increased interest in my existential positive psychology...
The Unheard Cry of a Successful Asian Psychologist
Abstract This paper addresses the important issues of making it as an Asian psychologist in an overwhelmingly white academic field. Based on my professional and personal struggle to achieve success as a psychologist in both academia and clinical practice, I want to...
Existential Positive Psychology and Integrative Meaning Therapy
Abstract The unprecedented changes in our society because of COVID-19 and the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) shows that our healthcare system and the medical approach to psychotherapy can no longer meet the mental health needs of society. This paper first...
意义疗法的理论、方法与技术: 基于存在积极心理学的视角
Abstract 摘 要: 意义疗法是以存在积极心理学为理论基础,以构建个体生命意义为目的,实现生活正 负两极性的动态平衡,从而解决其心理困扰获得心理治愈与成长的一种整合性心理咨询与治疗方 法。起源于 Frankl 意义学说的意义疗法是通往人类美好生活的路径,它源于对苦难生活所隐含意 义的本质认识。在理论上,意义疗法以意义定向看世界为中心,以意义管理理论和双系统模型为 支架; 在方法上,为保障意义获得,应遵循 8 个基本问题和 12 条原则,充分发挥意义源的作用,实现 意义获得的双路径统一; 在技术上,灵活采用趋向性( PURE)...
The Second Wave Positive Psychology of Shame in East and West in the Age of the 4IR.
Abstract This chapter highlights the importance of shame in the context of the 4IR, especially with respect to the threat of COVID-19. We pointed out the danger of shame-related coverup, which may lead to more pandemics. We also emphasized the need for the framework...
Only Sacrificial Love Can Save Your Marriage From The COVID-19 Lockdown
In a good marriage, your spouse is both your Heaven and hell, because you will find happiness and personal growth only through the gate of suffering. What’s Love Got to do With Surviving COVID-19? My answer might surprise you. Love can either be the most powerful...