Adventure with Viktor Frankl & Advances in Logotherapy (AEPP01)

Module 1: Applied Existential Positive Psychology Certificate Program


Online Certificate Course, Asynchronous 

Optional 8.0 CPA-Approved CE Credits (Offered only in 2023 and 2024)

Date: Starting on November 6, 2023

Time: Asynchronous


We are excited to launch this long-awaited Certificate Course! It is a unique course taught by the founder of both Applied Existential Positive Psychology (AEPP) and Integrative Meaning Therapy (IMT). This Certification is jointly offered by International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM) and the Meaning-Centred Counselling Institute (MCCI). 

Module One of this certificate course is entitled “Adventures with Viktor Frankl and Advances in Logotherapy.” Dr. Viktor E. Frankl is universally recognized for his meaning-oriented therapy (logotherapy), but his contribution to the positive psychology of wellbeing and flourishing is still not widely known.


At the end of this course, all participants will gain a deeper understanding of:

  1. How historical/cultural forces and the power of Frankl’s personality and intellect shaped his ideas and clinical practices.
  2. Frankl’s adventures in exploring the heights and depths of the human quest for meaning.
  3.  Frankl’s revolutionary concepts of the height of our yearning for Ultimate meaning and the depth of our capacity to endure suffering as the antidote to suffering.
  4. Wong’s recent development of Frankl’s logotherapy as the foundation for a general theory of sustainable global flourishing. 


Dr. Paul T. P. Wong is the President of both INPM and MCCI. He is uniquely qualified to integrate more than 50 years of research and practice in existential psychology and positive psychology into an innovative way of simultaneously reducing human suffering and advancing global flourishing. 


This is an intermediate level course for psychologists, counsellors, social workers, coaches, health care professionals, first responders, and educators.


The course will be delivered online asynchronously.


Member Non-Member Student
Early Bird* 379 CAD 479 CAD 279 CAD
Regular 399 CAD 499 CAD 299 CAD

8.0 CE Credits


2023 and 2024 only)

+ 55 CAD + 55 CAD + 55 CAD

*Early Bird Registration ends on October 15, 2023, at 11:59pm (Eastern Time).


Refunds: A $100.00 handling fee will be deducted upon registration cancellation. Refund requests to must be received before October 30, 2023, at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time).

Cancellations of Course: INPM reserves the right to cancel any course. If a course is cancelled, INPM is responsible for refunding the full course registration fee.


The International Network on Personal Meaning is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The International Network on Personal Meaning maintains responsibility for the program. Offered only in 2023 and 2024 only.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Which virtual platform will be hosting the asynchronous course?

A: Microsoft Teams (paid version). A tutorial video on how to use the app will be made available soon.

Q: How will this Module be structured?

A: Two lessons will be released every Monday starting November 6, 2023, for a total of 5 weeks followed by a quiz. The last lesson will be released on December 4, 2023.

Q: I am unclear about the number of curriculum hours needed to complete the course, and about how much time to set aside.

A: This module will be about 9 hours in length. It will consist of 9 lessons (comprising of videos, PPTs, and assigned readings), a Discussion Forum, and a final 1000-word essay. Your progress will be tracked in the Microsoft Teams app.

Q: Under the “About the event” section, what does the time indicate?

A: The time indicates how much time is left before course registration is closed (deadline: March 1, 2024).

Q: How long will this online Module One expire? 

A: You can register up until March 1, 2024.

Q: Is there a limited time for participants to study online?

A: It is at your own pace, but Module one will end on March 31, 2024.

Q: Will the online course have a completion certificate?

A: There will be a Certificate of Completion after passing each Module. There will also be an Applied EPP Certificate for completing the entire course, which qualifies you to practice EPP and IMT if you are already a certified Coach, Counsellor, Psychologist or Mental Health Professional.

Q: What are CE Credits? How many will I get once I complete this Module?

A: Continuing education credits are recognized by the APA and CPA in North America and are for psychologists who wish to be in good standing in those associations. 9.0 CE Credits will be given to students that complete the entire course.

As a side note, to receive the certificate of completion for this course, one doesn’t need to apply for CE credits. They just need to finish and pass the online course.

Offered only in 2023 and 2024.

Q: How many modules are there in the certificate program? 

A: There are 5 modules/courses in total in the certificate program, covering the DNA (essentials) of meaning in applied EPP, logotherapy or meaning therapy.  

Q: Upon payment, will I have access to the entire course immediately, or just Module 1?

A: The payment is just for module 1. We will notify you once the next modules are out.

Q: What is the total cost for the certificate program and the dates for when each module is offered?

A: The total cost will be the sum of the cost for each module. All INPM members and Positive Living Newsletter subscribers will be notified about the cost of each module. Here are the five modules for this certificate course:

  • AEPP01 – Module 1: Adventures with Viktor Frankl and Advances in Logotherapy: Foundation of Mental Health and Well-being (Starting November 6, 2023)
  • AEPP02 – Module 2: Integrative Meaning Therapy for different stages of development
  • AEPP03 – Module 3: Existential Positive Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications
  • AEPP04 – Module 4: New Frontiers in effective coping and adaptation
  • AEPP05 – Module 5: Case studies in transdiagnostic approaches to mental health problems

Q: In what ways is this Certificate Course different from other applied positive psychology courses or existential therapy courses?

A: This course is unique in at least two important ways:

  • It integrates applied positive psychology and existential therapy from the different perspectives of the West and the East. Thus, it is both integrative and multicultural in a seamless way because Dr. Wong (the course presenter) is a truly bicultural person.
  • It contains a lot of proprietary materials based on Dr. Wong’s 50 years of research and practice.
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